"Love Letter Exchange with God - Blossoming Into Wonder"

Good Morning,
I copied below my "love letter" exchange with God. You can find this one and others at mollieaxtell.com
I hope they encourage you!
Bless you,

"Blossoming Into Wonder"

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:4-5

Abide: continue without fading

Wonder: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected or inexplicable

My child,
You seek my life-giving presence today. I will not disappoint you. Look at the supple trees, crowned with jade and olive leaves, swaying gracefully outside your window.

Admire the orange and yellow lantana lounging in the sun along your fence and the plump, ripe blackberries skirting your windowsill. Now, notice the dead, decaying branches on the ground. Let this contrast inform your choices today.

Last night, you felt wilted by the persistent gusts of your adversity. You are not designed to weather sorrow without me.

I am always with you, but you do not experience my presence when you try to bear your suffering alone. I can redeem your pain, and the seeds of your struggle can blossom into wonder.

As you connect with me, your loving Creator and Life Breath of all, you will enjoy true life and move more gracefully, even when the strong winds come.

Remember, I bring life from death. I am the God of all that is beautiful, unexpected and inexplicable.
I love you,
My Abba,
I realize I cannot “continue without fading,” if I am severed from your vine. I will become withered and lifeless.

I need your life flowing through me. Only you bring supernatural vigor to my heart and mind. Everyone and everything else offers something less.

I don't want to display plastic fruit on my table today – all shiny and colorful with make-believe vitality, a well waxed counterfeit. I want to be wholly alive in your love bearing the supernatural fruit that arises from your Spirit.

Please make me vibrant with your life today. I want to be a well-nourished branch on your vine of life enjoying the rich connection I have with you. Bending but not breaking as your love makes me supple amidst the winds of this world.

Take my breath away with your beauty! I want to stand in awe of your ability to take my pain and cause it to blossom into something beautiful, unexpected and inexplicable.
I love you,

photo: f.selivanov

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